BAK PUK, South Lungrang 2

(Lungsen - IN)
Grottocenter / carte


Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

Apparently a cave which takes a creek to a sump. There are, however, two divergent descriptions. CAVE DESCRIPTION 1: Tlau Laltanpuia (leader of the Lunglei Adventurers Association, 2001.04.23 personal communication) reported a small cave entrance to a short stream cave. CAVE DESCRIPTION 2: According to a villager (met on 2001.04.24 in a roadside tea house at the new South Lungrang), this cave is both larger and longer than the first and more famous –>Bak Puk (South Lungrang): It becomes bigger inside and requires neither negotiation on hands and knees (grade 3 squeeze) nor crawling (grade 4 squeeze). SITUATION: About a kilometre to the north-west of South Lungrang village and close to a prominent and exceptionally large tree, which rises somewhere near the approximate centre of the cuesta from among smaller, surrounding vegetation.


Bibliography 06/01/2018


EXPLORATION HISTORY: 2001.04.23: Tlau Laltanpuia, leader of the Lunglei Adventurers Association, pointed out the approximate location of the 2nd Bak Puk to H. D. Gebauer and Neil Sootinck. Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

Caves nearby

Distance (km)NameLength (m)Depth (m)
0.4BAK PUK, South Lungrang
0.9Ailianpui Puk
0.9Ailianpui Puk 2
0.9CHHIA, Lalnuitui (Khur)
24.1PUKPUIA PUK, Serkawn
27.2MILU PUK, Sazatlang