A natural sacred stream cave (temple cave), more than 60 m long and estimated to reach a depth of 30 or 70 m, contains flowing water, small shafts (not explored) and river sediments but no secondary calcite deposits. SITUATION: In the hills separating the rivers Sarju (Saryu) and Ramganga (Ram Ganga) in an area about 26 km in a direct line north by north-east of Bageshwar (N29°51': E079°46': 975 m asl), and 18 km in a direct line west of Tejam (N29°57': E080°11'). APPROACH: The cave is reached by a 2.5 hours climb from the car [without GPS position] and lies about 100 m below a temple (no name mentioned: Bhir / Bhiar mandir?) on the flanks of the highest peak [no name mentioned] in the area and at a travelling distance of estimated 6 km or 7 km in an unspecified direction from Thopra (without position), the nearest village (Breitenbach 2005.12.01 Mss: Bericht). CAVE DESCRIPTION: The cave lies below the temple, is a stream cave, and rather wet. It contains several small stalacttes and about 5 cm high stalagmites. The cave is ramified, but simply, and there is a daylight aven some 60 m in (after Breitenbach 2005.10.29 to 11.13 Mss: Tagebuch). CULTURAL HISTORY: Having passed the entrance area without shoes (note 1) one can put them on again deeper inside the cave (note 2). : Having finally arrived we had to remove our shoes but the resident priest was not ready to talk buisness. Initially he would not allow anybody to enter, then it was only Gyatri, the female student of geology who should stay outside and in the end the three of us, Gyatri, a guide and myself, entered (Breitenbach 2005.10.29 to 11.13 Mss: Tagebuch). CAVE CLIMATE (Breitenbach 2005.12.01 Mss: Bericht): Interior air temperature 15.6°C; relative humidity 51.5% r.H.; weather condition 1013.2 hPa (737.3 hPa local). VEGETATION: Rhododendron (Breitenbach 2005.12.01 Mss: Bericht).tes and about 5 cm high stalagmites. The cave is ramified, but simply, and there is a daylight aven some 60 m in (after Breitenbach 2005.10.29 to 11.13 Mss: Tagebuch). CULTURAL HISTORY: Having passed the entrance area without shoes (note 1) one can put them on again deeper inside the cave (note 2). : Having finally arrived we had to remove our shoes but the resident priest was not ready to talk buisness. Initially he would not allow anybody to enter, then it was only Gyatri, the female student of geology who should stay outside and in the end the three of us, Gyatri, a guide and myself, entered (Breitenbach 2005.10.29 to 11.13 Mss: Tagebuch). CAVE CLIMATE (Breitenbach 2005.12.01 Mss: Bericht): Interior air temperature 15.6°C; relative humidity 51.5% r.H.; weather condition 1013.2 hPa (737.3 hPa local). VEGETATION: Rhododendron (Breitenbach 2005.12.01 Mss: Bericht).
Bibliography 06/01/2018History
EXPLORATION HISTORY: 2005.11.05: Sebastian F. M. Breitenbach (2005.12.01 Mss: Bericht) and Gyatri Kathayat, guided by two unidentified local guides (no names mentioned), visited and explored (Breitenbach 2005.12.01 Mss: Bericht), measuring a length of 62 m (Breitenbach 2005.10.29 to 11.13 Mss: Tagebuch).
Caves nearby
Distance (km) | Name | Length (m) | Depth (m) |
0.1 | ASHPHAL GUPHA | ||
10.9 | TIMTA CAVE | ||
11.2 | BHARBYO CAVE, Choukori; Choukhori, Choukori, Chowkori, Choukri | ||
11.6 | GHINIA NAG | ||
15.9 | SANI UDYAR (Baynes 1941) | ||
16.5 | Munsyari (Caves at) | ||