Ganda Alaa 1 (Holqa)

(West Harerghe - ET)
Length 161m Depth -25m
Grottocenter / carte


GS Vulcains - 27/12/2019

At the far lower end of the walk in entrance chamber is a 2m deep circular pot beyond which is a crawling passage over silt leading into a chamber and passage with speckled rock which leads into a wet crawl past a stal barrier into a higher passage with thigh deep pools and a 4m pitch into a chamber with a pool at the bottom. A low passage over silt banks and through waist deep water continues with a lowering roof in the direction of the inlet passage in Holqa Ganda Alaa 2. Oxygen reduced to 16.5% prevented further exploration of this passage.Back near the entrance a passage to the left leAads to a gently descending crawl through rocks to a bedding plane and after 10m a 7m pitch in the right. At the far lower end of the walk in entrance chamber is a 2m deep circular pot beyond which is a crawling passage over silt leading into a chamber and passage with speckled rock which leads into a wet crawl past a stal barrier into a higher passage with thigh deep pools and a 4m pitch into a chamber with a pool at the bottom. A low passage over silt banks and through waist deep water continues with a lowering roof in the direction of the inlet passage in Holqa Ganda Alaa 2. Oxygen reduced to 16.5% prevented further exploration of this passage.Back near the entrance a passage to the left leads to a gently descending crawl through rocks to a bedding plane and after 10m a 7m pitch in the right hand floor descends to a small chamber with a pool in the floor. From here a crawl leads down to a sharp bend into a low water filled passage blocked by silt after 8m. The bedding continues past the pitch to a climb over boulders at a T junction. To the right the passage choked 7m below the entrance chamber, to the left the passage ends at a small calcite blocked chamber hand floor descends to a small chamber with a pool in the floor. From here a crawl leads down to a sharp bend into a low water filled passage blocked by silt after 8m. The bedding continues past the pitch to a climb over boulders at a T junction. To the right the passage choked 7m below the entrance chamber, to the left the passage ends at a small calcite blocked chamber

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