Maconjo N°1

(Buzi - MZ)
Length 230m Depth 13m
Grottocenter / carte


Mutanda zone, Buzi district, Sofala province, GPS (WGS84) S 19°56'35,4” / E 34°06'22,6". ca. 100 m a.s.l. Surveyed on 15 Aug. 1999 by Pedro Caetano, Artur Fernandes, Adriano Germano, Michael Laumanns and Jens Römer (BCRA-Grade 4b). Length: 230,00 m. Vertical range: –13 m. ml Access to the cave entrance was made from the old abandoned Portuguese road along the north bank of the Buzi river coming from our camp. Where the road reaches some huts near a scenic, 40 m high limestone cliff one turns to the north ascending the karst plateau via a small dry riverbed. Leaving the riverbed to the right and crossing the plateau for about 1 km to the SE the large entrance doline (roof collapse) is reached. The entire karst plateau in this area is extremely corroded with sharp karren and a lot of limonitic pebbles. Michael Laumanns - 28/11/2015


Michael Laumanns - 28/11/2015

The walkable roof collapse of the main entrance leads down to a well proportioned gallery of about 10 m height and 40 m width, which seems to be completely closed by boulders to the N. However, a narrow passage on the right allows passing the boulder. The crawl soon widens into a wide but low (0.5 m) bedding plane before it opens again into a well sized gallery (4 m high and 20 m wide) which is the continuation of the cave’s entrance part. The passage is heading to the NW and branches off into a NW and N lead. The 40 m long N branch starts with a daylight shaft of about 8m depth and leads into a phreatic tunnel gallery with many solution pockets on the ceiling. The cross-section of the gallery changes to a rift type at its end. A colony of about 1.000 fruit bats of the big species Rousettus aegyptiacus leachii (A.SMITH 1829) inhabit this part of the cave. Several side passages ends after a few metres but one small (1 x 1 m) phreatic passage with a ..,keyhole"-shaped cross-section leads back to the above-mentioned low bedding plane. The 30 m long voluminous NW branch ends again in a small rift-shaped fissure, which is strongly corroded. The locals who know the cave very well left a construction of wooden sticks in this part of the cave. It is used to light a fire that produces smoke to hunt the fruit bats, which reportedly have a sweet taste”. Very few speleotherms (dripstones) are present in the NW and N branch only. A guano deposit can be found in the N branch where the fruit bats live.

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