SIDDHA GUFA, Bimalnagar, 2nd

Bandipur (तनहुँ - NP)
Grottocenter / carte


Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

Two different cave entrances, apparently both facing north-west, give access to a single chamber cave, which is about 10 m by 20 m wide and 20 m deep (DUCLUZAUX 1993d: 25, plan and elevation: 29) and contains a vertical 15 m descent, speleothems, tree trunks (climbing aids) and easy to scare pigeons. IDENTITY: Compare –>Siddha Cave Bhanumate. ETYMOLOGY: The graffitti inscription Siddha Gupha is said to had been seen written in November 1992 at one of the entrances of the cave, which is allegedly called Parewa Dhant (DUCLUZAUX 1993d: 19 croquis de situation, 25) or Parewa Dhand (DUCLUZAUX 1993d: 25, 29 cave plan) and said to mean Pigeon Cave (note 1) but probably rather known as –>Siddha Cave Bhanumate, and regarded a Parewa Odar or Pigeon House (note 2) on the -danda- or ridge, spur, mountain, hill. SITUATION: About half an hour on foot uphill and a little west by south from Bimalnagar / Bimal Nagar (note 3). DUCLUZAUX (1993d: 25) understood that the cave entrance lies at an elevationof 610 m asl not only on the unspecified flank of an unidentified hill but also above cultivated fields at the edge of a forest (note 4). DUCLUZAUX (1993d: 19 croqui de situation) indicates the number 7 for Parewa Dhant (sic!) at a linear distance corresponding to 12 mm on an unidentified scale (perhaps 100 or 200 m) approximately WNW (circa 270°) from the lower cave entrance to the –>Siddha Gufa (Bimalnagar) but at a 130 m lower elevation. CULTURAL HISTORY - pigeon scaring and hurting or hunting ground: Autrefois les habitants chassaient les pigeons en jetant des pierres dans le gouffre (DUCLUZAUX 1993d: 25). CAVE LIFE: DUCLUZAUX (1993d: 25) mentions unspecified -pigeons- but does not know if he were only told about birds or if he actually noticed the presence of cave-dwelling pigeons.of 610 m asl not only on the unspecified flank of an unidentified hill but also above cultivated fields at the edge of a forest (note 4). DUCLUZAUX (1993d: 19 croqui de situation) indicates the number 7 for Parewa Dhant (sic!) at a linear distance corresponding to 12 mm on an unidentified scale (perhaps 100 or 200 m) approximately WNW (circa 270°) from the lower cave entrance to the –>Siddha Gufa (Bimalnagar) but at a 130 m lower elevation. CULTURAL HISTORY - pigeon scaring and hurting or hunting ground: Autrefois les habitants chassaient les pigeons en jetant des pierres dans le gouffre (DUCLUZAUX 1993d: 25). CAVE LIFE: DUCLUZAUX (1993d: 25) mentions unspecified -pigeons- but does not know if he were only told about birds or if he actually noticed the presence of cave-dwelling pigeons.


Bibliography 06/01/2018


EXPLORATION HISTORY: 1992.10.16 - 1992.11.30: Durga Bahadur Thapa (Bimalnagar?) guided Bruno Ducluzaux and Pascal Schenker to the entrance to Parewa Dhand or Parewa Dhant (DUCLUZAUX 1993d: 19, 25, 29). Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

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