Shaft BSS 2000-3 - CM0121

หนองบัว (TH)
Length 4m Depth 4m
Grottocenter / carte


This shaft is located in floor of the most westerly of the two large dolines 3.2km to the west of Ban Kio Champi. Martin Ellis - 27/06/2019


Martin Ellis - 27/06/2019

The circular entrance is 1m in diameter. It was seen to descend for 3-4m, but appeared to be choked with mud. High carbon dioxide concentrations occur just inside the entrance.


Bibliography 27/06/2019
  • FARRANT, ANDREW; FLOWER, SIMON; LEE, SIMON (2001) "UBSS Expedition to Northern Thailand" University of Bristol Spelaeological Society Proceedings Vol. 22 No. 2


This site was recorded by the UBSS in 2000. Martin Ellis - 27/06/2019

Caves nearby

Distance (km)NameLength (m)Depth (m)
0.1Cricket Pitch - CM01125735
0.4Shaft BSS 2000-2 [CM0120]55
0.4Cave BSS 2000-4 - CM0122
0.5Rift Hole - CM01165735
0.6Crystal Pot - CM01172525
0.6Black Hole - CM01145050
0.7Pan Pipe Pot [CM0115]3333
0.8Cave Ten - CM0118
1.3Sink [CM0257]