An estimated 100 m long, man-made irrigation tunnel (0.7 m to 0.8 m high) with several daylight shafts (KNAB 1990: 17, no. N24). ETYMOLOGY: Ahuri Dulo (KNAB 1990) seems to signify -irrigation tunnel- (an underground irrigation channel) as -ahara- (Gorkhali a.k.a. Nepali, Eastern Pahari) is nourishment (food, sustenance, nutriment, nutrition, subsistence, provisions, provender, fare) and -dulo- (KNAB 1990) or -dolo- (RUBINSTEIN, J 1988a: 10) signifies an animal's den or burrow, as -musako dulo- (KRÄMER, K-H 2007: 86) has been translated as Mauseloch (German, mouse hole). -kholo- (Nepali), however, is said (KRÄMER, K-H 2007: 72) to mean a small stream (note 1), rivulet () or runnel (note 3). SITUATION: In the Mardi Khola, about 13.25 km as the crow flies from the entrance to the Pokhara airport and an estimated 500 m north-west from the first –>Mardi Khola Cave 1. The tunnel lies a few metres beneath the path where the Mardi Khola widens to a spacious flat area (KNAB 1990: 17, no. N24. CAVE LIFE: KNAB (1990) reports to have seen --probably in the water-- of this ahuri dulo in the Mardi Khola relatively -small fish- (zoologically: pisces) of unidentified size, unidentified nature, and unidentified character.. CAVE LIFE: KNAB (1990) reports to have seen --probably in the water-- of this ahuri dulo in the Mardi Khola relatively -small fish- (zoologically: pisces) of unidentified size, unidentified nature, and unidentified character.
Caves nearby
Distance (km) | Name | Length (m) | Depth (m) |
0.1 | MARDI KHOLA CAVE 1 | ||
0.1 | MARDI KHOLA CAVE 2 | ||
0.4 | MARDI KHOLA CAVE 3 | ||
1.2 | LAHACHOK (Cave at) | ||
3.9 | RUKH AHURI DULO | ||
4.8 | SHANTI GUPHA, Hemja / Hengja | ||
5.7 | Kali Khola Cave 6 | ||
5.7 | Kali Khola Cave 4 | ||
5.7 | KALI KHOLA CAVE 5 (Smart 1976) |