LYMBIT, Amlari (Krem)

(Amlarem - IN)
Grottocenter / carte


Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

A water fall at the northern end of a relatively large depression sinks underground through an estimated 8 m wide and 2 m high cave entrance (unidentified shape, unspecified characteristics), which faces south and leads to a descending cave passage, which is not only decorated with gravitationally dislocated boulders but also gives access to joint-controlled cave passages which, at a first glance, seem to form an orthogonal pattern and are also reputed to serve as a bat roost. ETYMOLOGY: The Amwi Khasi cave name -Krem Lymbit- (possibly procured by an unidentified Amlari Village Headman, 2012.03.02) is a variant of the standard Khasi -Krem Lyngbit- (note 1) and signifies Bat Cave (Smart, C M 2013.03.24 Mss -Krem Lymbit- dated 2 March 2012). The origin and meaning of the village name Amlari (Smart, C M 2012.03.03 personal correspondence) has not yet been discovered but appears to translate rather as Stream (water, river) of a kind of Hiding (note 2) than as Stream of the Country, Custod, Kidney Bean, Cane or Bamboo Tie (note 3). SITUATION 2012.03.02: At the northern end of a more or less large depression where an unidentified water fall (Kshaid Kaei Kyrteng or What Name Waterfall) sinks underground through a 8 metre wide and 2 metre high south facing entrance (Smart 2013.03.24 Mss: Krem Lymbit). The unfortunately incomplete GPS position (note 4), which has been recorded for the cave entrance to Krem Lymbit near Amlari, indicates a spot that lies about 2.5 km in a direct line north west from Syndai (N25°10': E092°08'30” WGS84), apparently 100 m north from the road or, perhaps, on the road from Syndai generally west towards Tarangblang (N25°12'22”: E092°12'30” WGS84), and in an area where a wide-spread occurrence of Lakadong Sandstone is not only shown to cover the surface (NAG & PAL 1996 geological map) but also is known to form a well-tested caprock for coal seams and speleologically potent Lakadong Limestone and, at places, the sedimentary rocks of the Theria (MATHUR & EVANS 1964) or Therriah (ROY CHOWDHURY 1974: 76) stage (note 5). SITUATION 2013.03.03: In an unspecified spatial relation to a certain Amlari (not Amlarem) just north of Syndai (Smart, C M 2013.03.03 personal correspondence). SITUATION 2013.03.27: It’s a few miles north of Syndhai on the way to Krem Lashing. This is very much a blank area (Smart, C M 2013.03.27 -Krem Lymbit , Amlari- personal correspondence). APPROACH: Take the initially unmade but motorable track that leads eastwards from Amlari Post Office [note 6] past a church [note 7]. This [track] becomes a gently ascending footpath that runs along the edge of several bamboo broomstick fields. About one mile from the Post Office it is possible to cut a route down to the right (south) and traverse around the edge of a large depression before climbing very steeply down into the depression. At the northern end of the depression a water fall sinks underground through a 8 metre wide and 2 metre high south facing entranc (Smart 2013.03.24 Mss: Krem Lymbit). CAVE DESCRIPTION: The cave appears to be entirely developed in a calcareous sandstone. No speleothems were observed in the first two large chambers. … The lower series is strongly joint controlled and is an orthogonal maze of passages commonly 2 m wide and 2 m or 3 m high. In February 2012 pools of water were encountered but no active streamway was found. We were told, and shown a mobile phone image that there are stalagmites beyond the second chamber in the main passage [note 8] (Smart 2013.03.24 Mss: Krem Lymbit). TACKLE: A short rope or ladder of currently unknown length (suggest five metres) will be required for the descent from the second chamber (Smart 2013.03.24 Mss: Krem Lymbit). VISITOR's ROUTE: The 8 m wide by 2 m high entrance faces south and leads steeply downwards (approximately 40 degrees) down boulders ranging in size up to lorry size for approximately 40 m (horizontal distance). At this point a passage at the base of the right had wall can be descended to give access to a lower series of orthogonal / joint controlled passages. The main passage continues at approximately 25 m in width across a sandstone boulder strewn floor before ascending a boulder slope to close to the roof. After about 10 m the main passage descends again to enter the second chamber. This is very similar to the entrance chamber and is again approximately 200 m in length by 25 m in width. The second chamber has a large boulder slope that meets the roof. However, in the far right hand corner a climb down (tackle required – probably a 5-10 metre ladder) leads to a continuation of the cave (Smart 2013.03.24 Mss: Krem Lymbit). CAVE POTENTIAL 2012: Krem Lymbit , Amlari - this was a major surprise for us and needs considerably more exploration and surveying. I think it's a big cave (Smart, C M 2013.03.28 personal correspondence). Krem Amlari … is massive and there is certainly more in this cave and more in this area (Smart, C M 2013.03.27 -KremLymbit , Amlari- personal correspondence). Local information is that the cave continues a long way after the climb down at the back of the second chamber. The lower series shows no evidence of closing down and could yield significant amounts of passage (Smart 2013.03.24 Mss: Krem Lymbit). CAVE LIFE: Hetropoda spiders and cave crickets. We were told by the locals that there were many bats deeper into the upper series (Smart 2013.03.24 Mss: Krem Lymbit). Keywords: Arachnidae: Araneae: conf. Sparassidae: Heteropoda sp.; Orthoptera. Chiroptera.d wall can be descended to give access to a lower series of orthogonal / joint controlled passages. The main passage continues at approximately 25 m in width across a sandstone boulder strewn floor before ascending a boulder slope to close to the roof. After about 10 m the main passage descends again to enter the second chamber. This is very similar to the entrance chamber and is again approximately 200 m in length by 25 m in width. The second chamber has a large boulder slope that meets the roof. However, in the far right hand corner a climb down (tackle required – probably a 5-10 metre ladder) leads to a continuation of the cave (Smart 2013.03.24 Mss: Krem Lymbit). CAVE POTENTIAL 2012: Krem Lymbit , Amlari - this was a major surprise for us and needs considerably more exploration and surveying. I think it's a big cave (Smart, C M 2013.03.28 personal correspondence). Krem Amlari … is massive and there is certainly more in this cave and more in this area (Smart, C M 2013.03.27 -Kremd wall can be descended to give access to a lower series of orthogonal / joint controlled passages. The main passage continues at approximately 25 m in width across a sandstone boulder strewn floor before ascending a boulder slope to close to the roof. After about 10 m the main passage descends again to enter the second chamber. This is very similar to the entrance chamber and is again approximately 200 m in length by 25 m in width. The second chamber has a large boulder slope that meets the roof. However, in the far right hand corner a climb down (tackle required – probably a 5-10 metre ladder) leads to a continuation of the cave (Smart 2013.03.24 Mss: Krem Lymbit). CAVE POTENTIAL 2012: Krem Lymbit , Amlari - this was a major surprise for us and needs considerably more exploration and surveying. I think it's a big cave (Smart, C M 2013.03.28 personal correspondence). Krem Amlari … is massive and there is certainly more in this cave and more in this area (Smart, C M 2013.03.27 -Kremd wall can be descended to give access to a lower series of orthogonal / joint controlled passages. The main passage continues at approximately 25 m in width across a sandstone boulder strewn floor before ascending a boulder slope to close to the roof. After about 10 m the main passage descends again to enter the second chamber. This is very similar to the entrance chamber and is again approximately 200 m in length by 25 m in width. The second chamber has a large boulder slope that meets the roof. However, in the far right hand corner a climb down (tackle required – probably a 5-10 metre ladder) leads to a continuation of the cave (Smart 2013.03.24 Mss: Krem Lymbit). CAVE POTENTIAL 2012: Krem Lymbit , Amlari - this was a major surprise for us and needs considerably more exploration and surveying. I think it's a big cave (Smart, C M 2013.03.28 personal correspondence). Krem Amlari … is massive and there is certainly more in this cave and more in this area (Smart, C M 2013.03.27 -Kremd wall can be descended to give access to a lower series of orthogonal / joint controlled passages. The main passage continues at approximately 25 m in width across a sandstone boulder strewn floor before ascending a boulder slope to close to the roof. After about 10 m the main passage descends again to enter the second chamber. This is very similar to the entrance chamber and is again approximately 200 m in length by 25 m in width. The second chamber has a large boulder slope that meets the roof. However, in the far right hand corner a climb down (tackle required – probably a 5-10 metre ladder) leads to a continuation of the cave (Smart 2013.03.24 Mss: Krem Lymbit). CAVE POTENTIAL 2012: Krem Lymbit , Amlari - this was a major surprise for us and needs considerably more exploration and surveying. I think it's a big cave (Smart, C M 2013.03.28 personal correspondence). Krem Amlari … is massive and there is certainly more in this cave and more in this area (Smart, C M 2013.03.27 -KremLymbit , Amlari- personal correspondence). Local information is that the cave continues a long way after the climb down at the back of the second chamber. The lower series shows no evidence of closing down and could yield significant amounts of passage (Smart 2013.03.24 Mss: Krem Lymbit). CAVE LIFE: Hetropoda spiders and cave crickets. We were told by the locals that there were many bats deeper into the upper series (Smart 2013.03.24 Mss: Krem Lymbit). Keywords: Arachnidae: Araneae: conf. Sparassidae: Heteropoda sp.; Orthoptera. Chiroptera.


Bibliography 06/01/2018


EXPLORATION HISTORY: 2012.03.02: Christopher M Smart recorded the cave name Krem Lymbit when unidentified villagers (note 9), including the Headman from an unspecified village (rather from Amlari than from Syndai) guided Stuart J McManus, Keith Sanderson and Chris Smart into the cave where the three lone foreigners on the caving team commenced exploration [note 10] (Smart, C M 2013.03.24 Mss 'Krem Lymbit' dated 2 March 2012). On this occasion, Krem Amlari … was not surveyed and the description is mine alone …In my pictures it’s SAM_244 to 250 where you can see the cast of a thousand villagers who accompanied us (Smart, C M 2013.03.27 'Krem Lymbit , Amlari' personal correspondence). Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

Caves nearby

Distance (km)NameLength (m)Depth (m)
1.7LASHING (Krem)
2.1AMKHLOO, Syndai (Krem)
2.2AMKOI, Pdengshakap (Krem)
2.3KRIAH (Krem)
2.3KYNDA, Syndai (Krem)
2.4AMLADKOH (Krem)
2.5SYNDAI CAVE, 2nd (Smart 2013)