Nam Long (Tham) [LO0169]

Length 201m Depth 13m
Grottocenter / carte


The cave is at the base of the limestone hills 700 meters north-west of the road, 1.7km west of the turning to Suan Hin Pha Ngam. Martin Ellis - 24/03/2020



Martin Ellis - 24/03/2020

John Gosset February 2015 Grade UISv2 6-3-F

Brief description

Martin Ellis - 24/03/2020

The cave has a shallow stream and deep mud (and some leeches). It is about 200 meters to another entrance above a 13 meters chimney, passing a single dry side passage, with some nice small gours in a couple of places. The stream passage may continue, but the ceiling was getting lower and the mud deeper. This cave is reported by local farmers to be big enough that you can travel an hour inside.


[Topo] Tham Nam Long 07/05/2019
Bibliography 24/03/2020


The cave was first explored on 26 April 2012 by Craig Werger, Christopher Davey, John Cafaro and Jack Wylie. The cave was explored for 200 meters by John Gosset et al. in February 2015. Martin Ellis - 24/03/2020

Caves nearby

Distance (km)NameLength (m)Depth (m)
1.4Tham Pha Fai - LO006311025
2.0Cave LO017855
2.1Suan Hin Pha Ngam 1 (Cave) [LO0153]200
2.1Suan Hin Pha Ngam 2 (Cave) [LO0154]200
2.1Suan Hin Pha Ngam 3 (Cave) [LO0155]200
2.3Tham Dork Wua - LO0083800
2.4LO0203 (Sink)
2.4Cave LO020480
2.5LO0201 (Sink)