Mate 1 (Enkuftu)

(West Harerghe - ET)
Length 34m Depth -6m
Grottocenter / carte


GS Vulcains - 01/01/2020

The entrance is a single pitch from the surface to a crescent shaped chamber with several apparent ways on around boulders - all of which were silted up. At the eastern end of the chamber a second entrance pitch emerges from dense undergrowth

Caves nearby

Distance (km)NameLength (m)Depth (m)
0.9Biyoo 2 (Enkuftu)116
0.9Mate 2 (Enkuftu)
0.9Wene (Enkuftu)
1.0Mate 3 (Enkuftu)55-37
1.1Biyoo 1 (Enkuftu)6340
2.1Diblo (Enkuftu)90-80
4.3Hafursa (Enkuftu)71-35
5.3Dambii (Enkuftu)78-33
5.4Dhabaa 1 (Enkuftu)012